Current Ranks

SwimNubs cannot kudo, tag, make new threads, upload images, delete posts, or use the html editor.
SwimPunks, SwimInstigators, SwimFlunkys, and SwimFails cannot kudo, tag, upload images, or delete posts.
Swimuminatis, Swimpotents, Swimportants, Swimfamouses, Swimmortals, and SwimHELPeRs have a kudo weight of 2 by default.
SwimArbiters and Almightys have a kudo weight of 3 by default.

Ranks Posts Days Registered Minutes Online Page Views
SwimPunk 0 2 50 50
Swimpotent 0 2646.25 150 800
SwimNerd 100 7 200 1000
SwimFan 500 21 400 2000
SwimHipster 1001 75 800 8000
SwimSuperfan 2293 182.5 1600 16000
SwimStar 4189 274 3200 64000
SwimHotshot 7133 365 6400 128000
Swimportant 7500 2646.25 <12800 180000
SwimIcon 9887 456 12800 186000
SwimGuru 13310 547.5 25600 230000
Swimfamous 15000 2646.25 45234 250000
SwimLegend 17933 639 51200 260000
Order of the Owl 25666 730 65400 300000
Swimmortal 30000 2646.25 98706 320000
Order of the Kitty 51333 912.5 161853 450000
Swimuminati 75000 1112 255600 734000
Almighty 143499 2646.25 730400 1034000

Gimmick Ranks

SwimPerfect 48, 117, 351, 793, 1001, 2983, 3292, and 5982 logins
SwimPossible 5200-5300, 16700-16800, 19200-19300, 21600-21700, 76500-76600, 256400-256500, 484300-484400, or 531300-531400 minutes online
SwimBinary 101, 1011, 10100, 11111, 101010, or 111,111 posts
SwimCount 123, 345, 567, 789, 1234, 5678, 12345, 34567, 56789, 78901, or 89012 posts
SwimDemon 666 posts
SwimLucky 777, 7777, or 77777 posts
Swim1337 1337 p05t5
SwimThreadless No more than 3 threads started, including ones deleted. At least 200,000 minutes online and 1095 days registered.
Babbler At least 30 posts, with at least 1/6 of total posts being threads started, between 7-75 days registered.
Incoherent Babbler At least 150 posts, with at least 1/3 of total posts being threads started, between 21 and 182.5 days registered. Outranks Babbler.
SwimVoyeur 0-25 posts (including deleted posts), at least 182.5 days registered, 2000 minutes online, and 1000 page views.
SwimLurker 0-50 posts (including deleted posts), at least 730 days registered, 3000 minutes online, and 8000 page views.
SwimCreepy 0-100 posts (including deleted posts), at least 1825 days registered, 8000 minutes online, and 15000 page views.
SwimInstigator Have at least 1/2 of your threads started deleted, and have fewer than 182.5 days registered.
SwimFlunky Have 3/8ths to 1/2 of your posts deleted, and have fewer than 1095 days registered.
SwimFail Have at least half of your total posts deleted, and have fewer than 1095 days registered.


SwimHELPeR Assigned to users along with the responsibility to watch over (report any abuse to mods, edit out any spoilers, merge obvious repeat threads, create polls/announcements, etc.) up to two show folders and create Wikis or guides for the shows in question.
To get this rank you must outwardly express interest in a particular show. It probably also helps to show knowledge about the show and to have a good track record.
Each folder can only have up to two HELPeRs (with a few special exceptions).
SwimArbiter Moderators. Assigned to users trusted to enforce the site’s TOS and to just generally keep the peace (and er. . . moderate). They can lock and delete threads, move and delete posts/threads, ban users.
To get this rank/position, you must be 18 years or older, and it’s said you’re more likely to get noticed if you follow the rules, be helpful, use good grammar, and have a good record as far as bans are concerned.
You can not apply for the position. Campaigning is discouraged and won’t help you. Just try to have fun on the boards, be nice and well-behaved, and maybe some day you’ll get noticed.
SwimInsider Administrators. Williams Street employees trusted with running the website.
The Only way to get this rank is to work at Williams Street, on the website, and get assigned the rank.
SwimInsider Williams Street Employees.
The only way to get the rank would be to become a Williams Street employee. If you’re interested, this is the place to go to look for open jobs.
SwimAssociate People affiliated with Adult Swim. Often given to show creators/producers/writers.
The only way to get this rank is obvious.
Retired SwimBouncer Moderators who’ve stepped down from moderatorhood.
Ol’ Salt People who used to be admins who are no longer admins.
Custom Ranks User-specific ranks, given out for various reasons. Often as rewards. These are becoming more and more common as they occasionally get contest prizes.
If you see a rank that wasn’t listed on this chart, there’s a good chance it was a custom. Try checking this chart for it.

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